Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mixed Emotions.

I have always spent so much of emotions, time & energy, concentrating on searching for the wrong answers to the wrong questions only to be stuck at a static mode feeling all drained for the moment.

I have spent these past few years being in love & that is where it all started. When all of your emotions just jumbled into one. This stupid thing called Love. Ironic isnt it? They say its real when it hurts. But does it always have to be that way?
It is only a matter of time, I come to realization that this path of love may not be easy, but for as long as we understood the meaning of loving each other, nothing else matters. Nothing else at all. 

Letting things/situations be & letting them grow & evolve is one of my many many biggest challenge. I think that most of the time we’re so busy looking at the shitty things/people around us that we can’t even see how beautiful things are just beyond that.

I have this horrible & wonderful feeling. Well, I cant decide which is winning. But I'm not gonna get this negative vibes get to me. Not today at least.