Monday, January 24, 2011


Had an awesome day yesterday! All thanx to BS *grins* It's the little things that count & no one could do the little things you do. Oh thanks a bunch to my dear friends as well. I dont lupa kawans okay! Just weeks ago my spirit was crushed & I was discouraged about almost everything. When I kept tripping over obstacles in my path, I started questioning why must God allow me to go through fucked up sucky situations & stuff. (Yea, I know I shouldnt question God). However at the end of the day, I realized that God just wanted to teach me to trust him more & build my character. How do we grow if we don't experience challenges /difficult circumstances? When we're diligent to remember God's faithfulness of yesterday, we will surely find confidence in His sufficiency for today. Amen! Pwease ponder peeps! 

Joshua 1:9.
"Have i not commanded you? be strong and courageous! do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."


Where God guides, God provides ;)